Layered Therapy Program

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Unravel complex cases,
and create dynamic
treatment plans
for sustained results!

Enter your details to be part of
Layered Therapy Program

for a deeper understanding of nutraceuticals and
the art of prescribing

    Whilst others are using protocols,

    you’ll learn to:
    build individualised,
    dynamic & flexible therapy prescriptions
    and avoid stacking;
    for improved clinical outcomes
    and long-term patient care

    Layered Therapy Training:

    • How supplements are made
    • Understanding the terminology
    • Selecting quality supplements
    • Avoid STACKING
    • Knowledge and tools to educate clients on not self-medicating
    • Tailor your client’s prescription
    • Dosage decisions controlled by the practitioner
    • Improve compliance
    • Personalise health programs
    • Adjust to meet changing needs during therapy
    • Optimise doses, for better absorption and reduced irritation
    • Ideal for detoxification, heavy metal chelation, chronic illness, complex patients and those with MTHFR issues
    • Manage & monitor better!

    Personalised Health. Greater Absorption. Maximised Utilisation.

    InterClinical Professional

    Always read the label.