InterClinical Mentoring – HTMA & Manganese


A very interesting mineral. How to understand Manganese on an HTMA What are the companion minerals? Why is Manganese a growing mineral of concern?

InterClinical Mentoring – HTMA & Gut Microbiota


Understanding the gut microbiota and how environmental pollutants and mineral balances affect both alpha & beta diversity. Listen to information from the latest studies and how you can use this in-clinic for improved patient outcomes!  

InterClinical Mentoring – HTMA & Sulphur


SULPHUR & HTMA You may be surprised! Why is it so essential that we monitor sulphur levels? What is it a biomarker for? What is it's role in detox and chelation?  

InterClinical Mentoring – HTMA & Nickel


What do you know about Nickel? Nickel is an essential mineral, when does it become toxic? What's the link between nickel and Helicobacter Pylori? How does Nickel play a role in DNA RNA replication? Nickel has an important role in the health of Red Blood...