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A Fresh Look at Vitamin E -What You Need to Know about Isomers and Synergists

InterClinical eNews November 2019, Issue 98 Vitamin E is an essential fat-soluble vitamin first discovered in 1922. It is an important antioxidant involved in cellular protection from free radical damage, immune regulation, endothelial cellular integrity, blood viscosity maintenance and wound healing.  In this issue we take a look at the eight isoforms discovered so far, how vitamin E needs selenium and glutathione to provide antioxidant support, its gene interactions, its properties and...

Pyrrroluria medical condition or biomarker

Pyrroluria  -  Medical Condition or Biomarker?

InterClinical eNews March 2019, Issue 90 This month's issue explores the evidence for Pyrroluria, and asks the question - is it a discrete medical condition or is it a biomarker of other pathology? We take a look into the history, research findings and treatment options.  Detection  Hydroxyhemopyrrolin-2-one (HPL) or "mauve factor" was first discovered in 1958 in the urine Dr Hoffer's psychiatric patients. It was named after the colour it appeared in chromatograph assays. It was later identified by a fellow researcher, Irvine, as...