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Metabolic Types and Subtypes as Recognised in HTMA Patterns

David L Watts, PhD, Director of Research at Trace Elements Many clients have asked questions about the metabolic subtypes that are determined in the HTMA mineral patterns. Although each type is described in individual reports, this discussion will provide further details.Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Metabolic Types The Sympathetic Metabolic Type 1, is also known as Fast Metabolic Type 1. The Parasympathetic Metabolic Type 1 is known as the Slow Metabolic Type 1. In review,...

Emotional Aspects of Sodium & Potassium

Emotional Aspects of Sodium & Potassium

A quick reflection on Sodium and Potassium and the nervous system Increased Sodium, Potassium and Phosphorus Disturbances in sodium and potassium metabolism are commonly seen in psychiatric patients. Even minor disturbances can contribute to emotional changes, which may be reflected clinically as depression, phobias, withdrawal, repression and indecision; depending on each individual mineral pattern and other factors such as chronicity, inherited inclination, etc. Aggressive behaviour, hyperactivity and anxiety are all associated with low...