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Why Register to become an InterClinical Practitioner
Practitioners Welcome Pack

Receive our exciting welcome pack in the post! Everything you need to confidently manage your patient's wellbeing using Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and receive free samples.

Practitioners Welcome Pack
Webinars and Videos

Check out our past educational webinars and videos on a range of subjects including understanding Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis reports, heavy metal toxicity, nutrient & endocrine imbalances.

Practitioner Education Program

View our instructional videos, newsletters, technical articles, and other educational resources to assist you in your clinic.

Practitioners' Support Program

Book a free 30 minute technical call with our expert staff to help interpret your patient's Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis report prior to their follow up appointment.

Newsletters and Articles

Receive our monthly Practitioner Newsletters and access technical information and scientific documents providing a wealth of information for you.


We hold and sponsor educational seminars in Australia & NZ and speak at many industry conferences throughout the year. Come and say hello to us when we are in your state. Check out our calendar of events.

Marketing Resources

Access our patient educational and marketing resources to inform and inspire your clients.

Business Resources

Access a wealth of in depth information about how to use Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis as a cost effective screening tool and our complementary medicine products to promote client well being and grow your business.

Special Practitioner Pricing

As a registered InterClinical practitioner you will be able to access our products at practitioner wholesale rates and receive specials every month.

Become a Registered InterClinical Practitioner today! Fill in the form below.


    Proof of Professional Association or Student Card