Author: Ann Cohen

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Vitamin E Update

Vitamin E is a group of eight compounds, α-, β-, δ-, ϒ-tocopherols and α-, β-, δ-, ϒ-tocotrienols, which are lipid-soluble. All vitamin E isoforms have antioxidative, antiproliferative, pro-apoptotic, anti-angiogenic and anti-inflammatory effects (2,3). Vitamin E, although not as effective as Selenium, is also a very useful aid in detoxification and in the reduction of methylmercury toxicity (1). Key sources of tocopherols are sunflower & rapeseed oil, whereas important sources of tocotrienols...

Boron is far from Boring!

An in-depth look at Boron, its role in the body, the environment and in Australian HTMA Boron: An overview Boron is a naturally occurring element. It’s found in the environment, combined with oxygen and other elements in compounds called borates. Borates are widely found in nature, and are present in oceans, sedimentary rocks, coal, shale and some soils. Boron is released to the atmosphere via volcanic activity and from geothermal steam. It’s estimated...

Optimum Nutrition for an Ageing Population

Healthy Ageing: By Meeting Unique Nutritional Needs

Unique Requirements Each person’s nutritional requirement is unique based on complex factors including current health status and nutritional levels, absorption, exogenous stressors including medication, heavy metal toxicity, physical and emotional stress, etc. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis empowers practitioners to identify the specific nutrient mineral imbalances and toxic element burdens, thereby enabling treatment on a bio-individual basis. Distinct mineral patterns can be seen in patients with diseases associated with ageing. Early detection by...

Molybdenum: 10 Key Points to Master

Molybdenum: 10 Key Points to Master

Molybdenum is an essential mineral we are only beginning to learn more about. This article looks at what we know and what new research has revealed. Mo is indicative of methylation pathways and is closely aligned with Zinc.  Understanding Mo's close relationship with Copper is important - it can be used to reduce Copper levels. Mo Antagonists: Ca, Cu, S, Hg, WMo Synergists: Ca, Na, Fe, Se, Co, Vit D, B1,...

Emotional Aspects of Sodium & Potassium

Emotional Aspects of Sodium & Potassium

A quick reflection on Sodium and Potassium and the nervous system Increased Sodium, Potassium and Phosphorus Disturbances in sodium and potassium metabolism are commonly seen in psychiatric patients. Even minor disturbances can contribute to emotional changes, which may be reflected clinically as depression, phobias, withdrawal, repression and indecision; depending on each individual mineral pattern and other factors such as chronicity, inherited inclination, etc. Aggressive behaviour, hyperactivity and anxiety are all associated with low...

Children, Mineral Imbalances & HTMA

Undetected mineral imbalances in children and teenagers cause health, educational, behavioural and social issues. Many of these are preventable and can be minimised by understanding and managing diet. Hair tissue mineral analysis is the definitive tool used by practitioners to identify nutritional imbalances and to create a treatment plan for ongoing management. In a recent (2020) Polish study[i] it was found that an adequate intake of folates, vitamin D, vitamin E,...

New Year New Start Get Healthy

It’s a New Year so make HTMA Your New Year’s Resolution

As this momentous year slides to a close, we’re all looking forward to some summer holiday downtime. This year commenced on the back of nationwide drought, with devastating bushfires. By February, the bushfires were under control and COVID hit. What can one say? As practitioners, we spend much of our time giving. The simple truth is that you can’t take care of others until you take care of yourself! Since travel, dancing,...

Stress Response with HTMA

Stress Response: What We Can Learn from a HTMA and the Mineral System?

Rick Malter, PhD A hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) is an excellent lab tool for assessing how a person is being impacted by stress. The mind/body stress response reflects both psychological and physical reactions that can have a profound effect on a person’s health. There are reciprocal relationships between the mind/body stress response and a person’s nutrient mineral system. The parts of a hair nutrient mineral pattern which are most significant in regard...