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Toxic Metals in Chilli Sauces, Turmeric and other spices.

  When searching for the exposure have you asked whether your patient loves Chilli sauces? " In March this year, the US Food and Drug Administration warned that investigators detected roughly 2 to 3 parts per million of lead in Cinnamon. It is known that some spice suppliers intentionally add lead chromate to enhance the colour or increase the product weight! " This article reveals other spices from a US Laboratory white paper...

Mastering Calcium

Calcium – Mastering Mineral Series 1

  Calcium ranks fifth, after oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, in the mineral composition of the human body. It makes up 1.9% of the body by weight. We require an average daily positive calcium balance of 180 mg during the first 20 years of growth. Around 99% of total body calcium is located in the skeleton. The remaining 1% is distributed evenly between the teeth and soft tissues, with only 0.1%...

Case Study – 3

Sex: Female Age: 24 Hair sample type: Scalp Metabolic Type: Slow 1 Clinical Summary/Client History: A 24 yr old mother in 2002, with a H/O Prolactinomia (diagnosed 2 months prior) and a ruptured spleen (4 weeks prior) requiring emergency surgery and removal. Menstruation ceased 2 yrs ago during an intense period of dance training and stress. No apparent signs of ovulation. Other Pathology Tests: No other pathology tests...

Case Study – 2

Sex: Female Age: 21 Hair sample type: Scalp Metabolic Type: Slow 1 Clinical Summary/Client History: A 21 year old female presents with fatigue, a confirmed very low serum Vitamin D level (<20nmol/l – reference range 60-160nmol/l). Family doctor did not want to act on this result. Know gluten intolerance. On examination, client appeared tired, black rings under the eyes, zinc spots and protein ridges on the fingernails. Skin is...

Case Study – 1

Sex: Female Age: 5 Hair sample type: Scalp Metabolic Type: Slow 1 Clinical Summary/Client History: History of numerous chronic symptoms which include; stomach pains, streptococcus in infections, infections (green mucous from nose), growing pains and extreme mood swings. Hair analysis revealed high Cu and lead levels. This reveals relative deficiencies in Zn, K, Se, Mn, Mo and Fe. Cu blocks the absorption/utilization of Vit C, B1, B6,...