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Molybdenum: 10 Key Points to Master

Molybdenum: 10 Key Points to Master

Molybdenum is an essential mineral we are only beginning to learn more about. This article looks at what we know and what new research has revealed. Mo is indicative of methylation pathways and is closely aligned with Zinc.  Understanding Mo's close relationship with Copper is important - it can be used to reduce Copper levels. Mo Antagonists: Ca, Cu, S, Hg, WMo Synergists: Ca, Na, Fe, Se, Co, Vit D, B1,...

Magnesium mastering minerals series 1

Magnesium – Mastering Minerals Series 1

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral and is essential for good health. Approximately 600 enzymes depend upon its presence in our body in sufficient amounts.1 It affects many cellular functions including the transport of potassium and calcium ions.  As well, magnesium modulates signal transduction, energy metabolism and cell proliferation. Magnesium has a huge role in bone mineralisation, cardiovascular health and the nervous and neuromuscular systems. It participates in the metabolism...