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Mastering Calcium

Calcium – Mastering Mineral Series 1

  Calcium ranks fifth, after oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, in the mineral composition of the human body. It makes up 1.9% of the body by weight. We require an average daily positive calcium balance of 180 mg during the first 20 years of growth. Around 99% of total body calcium is located in the skeleton. The remaining 1% is distributed evenly between the teeth and soft tissues, with only 0.1%...

Sodium – Mastering Minerals Series 1

In this article we look at the latest research on sodium, including storage, and an individual’s ability to absorb it and utilise it independent of intake. Characteristics of sodium InterClinical eNews July, Issue 108 Sodium is the sixth most abundant element in the earth’s crust and the second most abundant element in seawater. An adult human body contains about 250g of sodium and any excess is naturally excreted by the body. About 85%...

Selenium - Mastering Minerals Series 1

Selenium – Mastering Minerals Series 1

Selenium is a naturally occurring metalloid element that is essential to both humans and animal in trace amounts. Of all the elements, selenium has one of the narrowest ranges between dietary deficiency and toxic levels.  Selenium status of populations, animals and crops varies markedly around the world.17 Selenium is a trace element that until 1957 was thought to be only toxic. Gradually, it became clear that selenium plays an important role...

Copper and soft drinks

Heart Disease, Copper and Soft Drinks

InterClinical eNews June 2019, Special Edition Recently a popular news story warned that high, long term consumption of sweetened beverages such as soft drinks and soda may increase health risks. A study published in the journal Circulation (1) found that sugar-sweetened beverages, as well as artificially sweetened beverages, were associated with mortality rates. The study consisted of over 37,000 men and over 80,000 women who were followed for over 20 years. Their...